
  • Award high-impact, Transformational Project Grants and Core Mission Grants to nonprofits serving Westchester
  • Reach under-resourced populations and highlight unmet needs
  • Educate Impact100 members on the nonprofit sector
  • Provide volunteer opportunities to our members through our Hands-On Projects and Community Service Days
  • Raise awareness of lesser-known nonprofits within Westchester County


Each year, the size of our Grant Fund is determined by the size of our combined membership donations.

Members can participate on committees, volunteer at local nonprofits, review grant applications, perform financial due diligence or simply vote at the Annual Meeting.  Grant finalists are determined through a membership-run review and evaluation process.

Grant recipients are chosen by a full vote of the membership at the Annual Meeting.

Impact100 Westchester is a member organization:

Business Council of Westchester, the largest business membership organization in Westchester County.

Nonprofit Westchester, whose mission is to strengthen the impact, capacity and visibility of the nonprofit sector in Westchester County for a more just and caring community.

Philanos, formerly Catalist, a women's collective giving organization that makes strategic grants where change can be effected.

See our list of Grants Awarded to Date

Worldwide there are 70+ Impact100s

    Copyright 2024.  Impact100 Westchester, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.  EIN 46-1103703.  PO Box 634, Hartsdale, NY 10530-0634

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