Membership Explained

Impact100 Westchester is a women’s collective giving organization made up of 250+ dynamic, caring women.  As of the end of our 11th grant cycle, we have awarded nearly $3 million to local nonprofits.  Our goal is to identify unmet needs in the region and provide transformational grants to Westchester nonprofit organizations.

Our membership model and grant cycle overview:

Important note: If you are a grant writer or employee of a nonprofit organization that applies for an Impact100 grant during a given grant cycle, you may not participate on any Grant Review committee (Transformational Project and Core Mission) or Finance committee, nor may you attend any first round Virtual Site Visits open only to Grant Review committee members.

Why become a member?

  • multiply your dollars: we dramatically increase our power to address unmet needs when we pool our funds each grant cycle.
  • address significant needs in Westchester County: although Westchester is very affluent, 10% of our neighbors live in poverty.
  • you decide how involved you'd like to be: join a committee, participate in an educational session, be part of a day-of-service or just attend the Annual Meeting Celebration.
  • meet like-minded, dynamic women: through our work evaluating nonprofit applications as a group, our connections with each other deepen and naturally lead to lasting professional relationships and friendships.

We have awarded nearly $3M to local nonprofits. Click for image for details:

Hear directly from recipients about the power of collective giving. Click for image for details:

How do we award the grants?

  • Nonprofit organizations submit Grant Applications each grant cycle.
  • Grant Review Committees evaluate Applications in order to invite a smaller group of organizations for further discussion and in depth evaluation. 
  • Once Virtual Site Visits are concluded, committees choose finalists to present their applications to the full membership for their vote at the Annual Meeting in June.

More about Impact:

Laura Stone, Past Co-President

Impact100 overview

Sam Schwam, Past Co-President

Information about our Grantees

Dawn Hoesterey, Past VP Membership


Benefits of membership

Debra Berman, Member

A member's perspective

Sharon Douglas, Founder

Why I started Impact100 Westchester

Yonkers Partners In Education, Grantee

The impact of a Transformational Grant

We fund a wide range of important needs in our community:

Impact in the News...
Click image for more articles.

10th Anniversary Annual Meeting Recap

Meet our 2024/2025 leadership team:
Click image for full team.


Copyright 2024.  Impact100 Westchester, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.  EIN 46-1103703.  PO Box 634, Hartsdale, NY 10530-0634

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